Building Science and Design Cluster

体系结构 学生s with professor and model

Are you someone who prefers to work with their hands? Are you interested in immediate employment in a high demand, high paying field? Do you always need to figure out how something works? Do you have an entrepreneurial mindset?

如果答案是 是的 to any of these questions, check out our Building Science and Design Cluster! 十大彩票平台可以是你进入一个快速发展的行业的职业生涯的入口,也可以是你为下一次晋升而“提升”你现有技能的途径!

You’ll have access to cutting edge equipment, 材料, and technology while learning from experienced instructors who have practical, 实践经验! You’ll learn by doing and not just listening and discussing!


学生s who pursue a course of study in the Building Science and Design Cluster of programs find employment opportunities in:

  • 体系结构
  • 楼宇自动化 Technologist
  • 建筑施工
  • Civil Construction Manager
  • 建设Foreperson
  • 起草
  • 绿色能源
  • Horticulture Management and Sales
  • 暖通空调技术人员
  • Landscape Design and Management
  • 燃烧器技术员
  • 项目管理
  • Sustainable Building Design
  • 很多很多!

看看我们的 职业服务 页面,您可以了解更多十大彩票平台在您的教育和职业生涯中提供的支持. 职业教练 gives you immediate access to current job opportunities, 一个简历制作和搜索工具,以了解更多的职业前景和就业机会在你的领域!

Building Science and Design Cluster 项目

体系结构 and Building Technology

体系结构 and Building Technology-你有没有想过设计自己的家并参与建造? 建筑与建筑技术是一个为期两年的学习项目,旨在为建筑设计和建筑施工的多方面领域的学习和专业探索奠定坚实的基础. 您将通过学习技术图纸和由先锋谷最好的专业设计师教授的各种计算机辅助设计程序来发展您的设计和演示技巧. 您还将有机会开发设计项目组合,这将作为您在马萨诸塞大学或波士顿建筑学院未来建筑研究的申请要求的一部分, and for professional career placement. This program is available in both daytime and evening formats.


楼宇自动化 is the automatic centralized control of a building's heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC), 照明等系统通过楼宇管理系统或楼宇自动化系统. 的 objectives of building automation are to improve occupant comfort, efficient operation of building systems, reduce energy consumption and operating costs, and improve the life cycle of utilities.

建筑施工 Management

建筑施工 Management-如果你有兴趣成为建筑监督和建设的一部分,那么这个项目是为你准备的. This program includes all of the fundamentals of architectural design plus building codes, 可持续设计, project estimation and management, and building information modeling (BIM). 该项目与麻省大学的建筑施工技术项目和温特沃斯理工学院的项目管理项目完全衔接. This program is available in both daytime and evening formats.

Civil Construction Management

Civil Construction Management combines construction related engineering education with business, 市场营销, 和管理,让学生发展的知识和技能,必要的一个成功的职业生涯的建设. 建筑领域包括广泛的技术领域和就业机会,从负责土方和建筑项目的现场人员到供应行业的支持人员, as well as management staff. Construction accounts for a large portion of the U.S. 国内生产总值. Construction is one of the single largest business activities in the country, 哪一个能提供各种令人兴奋和具有挑战性的就业机会. Beyond the opportunities for employment, 建筑管理学位选项为追求建筑管理学士学位提供了强大的背景.

Civil Engineering Technology

的 Associate of Science in Civil Engineering Technology 为需要知识和技能的行业提供与土木工程师一起工作的就业和发展所需的广泛背景. You’ll acquire skills in computer-aided design (CAD), 建筑评估, and an introduction to construction 材料 and methods. In the second year of the program, you’ll build on this knowledge base and study 土壤, 水文, 测量, 具体的测试, 沥青生产, 以及道路建设,以发展各种基础设施项目所需的技能,并在市政当局和私营企业中随时提供就业机会.


能源系统技术 提供必要的理论和实践经验,在各种能源领域,如能源审计工作, Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC), HVAC equipment troubleshooting and repair, building management systems and microprocessor controls, and power plant operations. 的 program can be completed during the day or evening. You’ll qualify to test for the oil burner technician license, 美国环保署认证, 还有消防员执照. 的re is also a one year HVAC certificate program available.

Landscape Design and Management Technology

Earning an Associate’s Degree in Landscape Design and Management Technology will teach you to understand the world of plant propagation, 土壤, 景观设计, and sustainable landscape practices to help you begin, 或增强, a career in the original "Green" industry. 与我们一起学习如何和为什么将为您提供一个良好的开端,打开大门,伟大的和众多的职业机会.

Landscape Design and Management Technology Transfer

Landscape Design and Management Technology Transfer 这个项目是为计划在十大彩票平台毕业后进入四年制大学的学生准备的. In addition to many of the core landscape courses offered in the curriculum, 这个项目提供了作为大三学生进入学士学位课程所需的通识教育课程, a substantial cost savings. 该项目结合了麻省大学景观设计基金会,为学生转入马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特景观设计项目做准备.


欲知更多有关 这些程序中的任何一个, 请填写下面的信息申请表,并选择您感兴趣的课程. You can also skip this step and 马上申请 or find out more about possible careers at 职业教练.